Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What happens at Bethesda?
The first appointment at Bethesda in an initial assessment session that typically lasts 1-2 hours. The assessment session includes completion of necessary information packets and meeting with a therapist. Following the assessment session, the therapist will create a plan for both the caregivers and the child that will include group and/or individual counseling. Sometimes, clients may be referred to other services if needed.
Your child may attend group counseling with other children near the same age who have also experienced sexual abuse. Children 6-18 years old will not only be in groups of children of like age, but will also by in groups of the same gender. Children 3-5 years old meet together, both boys and girls. Group sessions typically last one hour. Specially trained therapists offer a variety of interventions to help your child heal. Interventions may include reading stories, playing games, creating art, discussions, or movement activities.
Your child may also attend individual counseling. This one-on-one weekly session is one hour of individual attention that your child spends with a therapist. In that time, the therapist can address specific challenges the child faces as a result of the trauma of sexual abuse.
Adults also have the opportunity to attend group counseling sessions to discuss and process their feelings related to the abuse. Bethesda therapists encourage all caregivers of child clients to attend the adult group sessions.
Bethesda maintains strict confidentiality.
Q: Can a therapist come to my home (school, day care, church, etc.) to provide services?
The majority of treatment services are provided on location at Bethesda. Therapists do not make home visits.
Bethesda is proud to partner with Norman Public Schools and provide treatment services at both high schools and middle schools. If your school would like to engage Bethesda in a similar partnership, please call 405-364-0333 and ask to speak to the Executive Director.
Bethesda can also provide its education program "Stop, Go and Tell" to your church group or classroom.
Q: How much will I have to pay? I don't have insurance, what will services cost me? My child has Medicaid, can she still receive services?
Services are available at no cost to families, regardless of income, government benefits received, insurance, or Medicaid eligibility. Bethesda does not charge clients for its services, which makes us a great resource for all children, especially children in DHS foster care. Bethesda does not require Soonercare. Our funding is provided through State contracts, grants and generous donations to ensure that no barrier, including the ability to pay, stands between a child and the chance to heal.
Q: Is Bethesda a residential facility? Will my child be staying at Bethesda?
Bethesda is not a residential facility. Clients attend group and/or individual counseling sessions and then return home with their caregiver.
Q: What do I do if I suspect a child has been abused?
If you suspect abuse, contact your local Child Welfare Services office, the 24-hour, Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-522-3511), the Department of Human Services and/or your Police Department. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local police department first.
ANYONE who suspects abuse, by law, must report the abuse!
If you have reasonable cause to believe that a child is being sexually abused, you must report the abuse IMMEDIATELY. Failure to report child abuse is a misdemeanor offense and could jeopardize the life of a child.
You can report abuse anonymously. The law provides the reporter with immunity from civil and criminal penalties for making reports in good faith.
If you suspect abuse, contact your local Child Welfare Services office, the 24-hour, Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline, the Department of Human Services and/or your Police department. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, please call 911 or your local police department first.
Child Abuse Resources
The Oklahoma Child Abuse Hotline
The National Child Abuse Hotline
1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
Norman Police Department
Moore Police Department
Cleveland County DHS
Cleveland County Sheriff's Office
Oklahoma City Police Department
Oklahoma County DHS
Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office