What are possible indicators of sexual abuse?
The following is a list of indicators of POSSIBLE sexual abuse. Please remember that these physical and behavioral indicators may be due to another reason.
Physical Indicators:
- Difficulty urinating or having bowel movements
- Difficulty walking or sitting
- Tearing, stains or blood on a child’s underclothing
- Genital or anal bruises, fissures and lacerations
- Frequent vaginal infections
- Frequent urinary tract infections or yeast infections
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Pain or itching in the genital area
- Physical complaints, such as headaches and stomachaches
Behavioral Indicators:
- Verbal statements by the child
- Acting out or passive withdrawal/depression
- Persistent and inappropriate sexual play with toys, animals or peers
- Detailed and unexplained sexual knowledge beyond age expectations
- Seductive, precocious sexual behavior and gender confusion
- Aggressive sexual behavior, especially in boy victims
- Excessive, persistent public masturbation
- Disturbances in eating patterns (i.e. binge eating, loss of appetite, gagging, hoarding food)
- Disturbances in toileting patterns (i.e. wetting/soiling themselves)
- Disturbances in sleep patterns (i.e. nightmares, night terrors, fear of the dark, fear of being alone in bedroom, wanting to sleep with a parent)
- Extraordinary fear of the same sex adults, baby-sitters, etc.
- Unexplained and unusually intensive guardedness, mistrust, clinging and watchfulness
- Role reversal, overly concerned for siblings
- Regression: Returning to earlier behaviors that have been outgrown
- Outbursts and tantrums, irritability
- “Fragile” feelings (i.e. hurt easily, quick to cry)
- Nervous behavior, worry
- Bedwetting or thumb sucking
- Poor self-esteem, self-devaluation, lack of confidence
- Suicide attempts (especially teens)
- Sudden difficulties in school
- Threatened by physical contact or closeness