Our Funding
At Bethesda, we believe there should be no barrier between a child victim of sexual abuse and the opportunity to heal. Therefore, we do not charge our clients for any services we provide. In order to provide this desperately needed service at no charge to our clients, we rely on several funding sources.
Thanks to hundreds of generous donors, Bethesda can provide our clients with the highest quality of care. If you would like to give the gift of hope and healing to wonderful, deserving children, please contribute to Bethesda today! Please consider making a reoccurring monthly donation of $25 or an amount of your choice to help support Bethesda's mission.
$25 Provides art materials for a group session.
$50 Funds one group session for 9 children healing from the trauma of sexual abuse.
$75 Funds one individual session for a child or teen, and one education session at a local school.
$100 Funds a family counseling session for an entire family.
$250 Funds a child at summer camp.
2) United Way
The United Way addresses the most critical needs in a community and mobilizes that community through fundraising efforts. Bethesda, Inc. is one agency funded by the United Way of Norman and the United Way of Central Oklahoma. We are fortunate to be recipients from both United Way's because of the numerous clients we serve that live in the central and south Oklahoma area. For more information about the United Way of Norman, please visit www.unitedwaynorman.com. For more information about United Way of Central Oklahoma please visit www.unitedwayokc.org.
Private Foundations are a critical component of Bethesda’s continued success. Bethesda is fortunate to receive the financial support of many private foundations:
• Brinkley Family Foundation
• Cox Connects Foundation Fund
• Exchange Club of Norman
• E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation
• Charles B. Goddard Foundation
• Kirkpatrick Family Fund
• Merrick Foundation
• Norman Arts Council
• Norman Community Foundation
• Norman NEXT
• Philip Boyle Foundation
• Norman Rotary Club
• Sarkeys Foundation
• Telligen Community Initiative
• Vogt Family Foundation
• Visionary Oklahoma Women
• Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation
DHS refers clients to Bethesda for treatment services. These may be children in foster care, in therapeutic foster care and volunteer referrals. This is not the same as SoonerCare or Medicaid. Bethesda does not bill for services through SoonerCare or Medicaid. Bethesda has a separate contract with DHS that is different than SoonerCare or Medicaid. This allows Bethesda to be a resource to foster care families or clients needing multiple forms of therapeutic services. For more information about DHS, please visit their website at www.okdhs.org.
With the passage of the Crime Victim’s Compensation Act in 1984, victims are helped in a variety of ways. One portion of the Act allocates some of these funds to individual states for distribution to service agencies. These funds make it possible for each state to award grants to agencies that give direct services to victims of crime. These grants help agencies offer services at no cost to the victims. Victims of sexual abuse counseling is one of the eligible circumstances covered through VOCA. For more information about VOCA, please visit this website, www.crimevictims.gov.